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10 Best Practices for Using AI Medical Scribes

Discover best practices for integrating AI medical scribes in healthcare to enhance documentation, reduce burnout, and improve patient care.
Published on
October 18, 2024
David Danks
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AI medical scribes are transforming healthcare documentation. Here's what you need to know:

  • Save doctors 35% of their day spent on paperwork
  • Reduce burnout from excessive documentation
  • Boost note quality by 85-90%

To make the most of AI medical scribes:

  1. Train staff properly
  2. Integrate into daily workflow
  3. Protect patient data
  4. Set clear communication rules
  5. Regularly check AI work
  6. Encourage staff feedback
  7. Get proper patient consent
  8. Stay updated on AI developments
  9. Connect AI scribes to health records
  10. Track AI scribe performance

Quick Comparison:

Practice Benefit Challenge
Staff training Improved adoption Time investment
Workflow integration Time savings Initial disruption
Data protection HIPAA compliance Ongoing vigilance
Communication rules Consistency Staff adjustment
Regular checks Accuracy Additional workload
Staff feedback Continuous improvement Managing expectations
Patient consent Legal compliance Potential refusals
AI updates Enhanced capabilities Keeping up with changes
EHR connection Streamlined documentation Technical integration
Performance tracking Optimized use Data analysis burden

By following these practices, healthcare providers can harness AI scribes to focus more on patients and less on paperwork.

Train Staff Properly

Getting the most out of AI medical scribes? It's all about training your team right. Here's the scoop:

Give everyone the 101 on AI scribes. What are they? How do they work? Why should we care? This gets your staff on the same page.

Different roles need different skills:

  • Doctors: Focus on speaking clearly for the AI
  • Admin folks: Learn how to find and manage the data

Don't just talk at them. Let your team play with the AI scribe in mock scenarios. It builds confidence and catches hiccups early.

Keep the support coming:

  • Check in regularly
  • Offer refresher courses
  • Set up a help desk for questions

Watch how your team's doing:

  • Are they using the AI?
  • Is the documentation on point?
  • Are they happy with it?

This helps you spot where to improve.

Lastly, pick some tech-savvy staff to be your AI champions. They can:

  • Answer questions
  • Share cool tricks
  • Keep everyone pumped about using the AI

2. Fit AI Scribes into Daily Work

Getting AI scribes to work in your clinic isn't rocket science. Here's the deal:

Start small. Test it with a few patients or docs first. This way, you can iron out the wrinkles without throwing your whole clinic into chaos.

Look at your patient flow. Where's the paperwork slowing things down? That's your AI scribe's sweet spot.

Set goals you can measure. Want to type less? See more patients? Put a number on it.

Make it work everywhere. Your AI scribe should play nice with phones, tablets, and computers. Doctors should be able to grab any device and start talking.

Customize it. Most AI scribes let you add your own fields or templates. Use 'em to catch the stuff that matters to your practice.

Here's a quick do's and don'ts list:

Do This Don't Do This
Speak clearly Talk over others
Use keywords Mumble or whisper
Repeat key info Leave out details
Discuss allergies fully Rush through meds

The point? Save time. The Permanente Medical Group found their AI scribe saved docs about an hour of keyboard time daily. That's an extra hour for patients, not screens.

"People were genuinely surprised with the ability of the technology to appropriately filter the conversation from a transcript into a clinical note—people were blown away by that." - Kristine Lee, MD, Associate Executive Director of Virtual Medicine, Technology and Innovation at The Permanente Medical Group.

Keep tabs on how it's going. Ask your staff if it's helping. Check your numbers. Are you hitting those goals? If not, tweak and try again.

3. Keep Patient Data Safe

Protecting patient info is crucial when using AI medical scribes. Here's how:

1. Get a Business Associate Agreement (BAA)

Sign a BAA with your AI scribe vendor. This legal doc outlines how they'll handle patient data.

2. Use strong encryption

Encrypt patient data when stored and sent. Makes it tough for hackers.

3. Set up strict access controls

Only let authorized staff use the AI scribe system. Use unique logins, two-factor auth, and regular password changes.

4. Train your team

Teach staff about HIPAA and safe AI scribe use. Make it regular, not just once.

5. Keep an eye on things

Track who's accessing patient data and when. Catch issues fast.

6. Choose the right tech

Pick AI scribe tools that prioritize security. Look for:

Feature Why It Matters
ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification Shows data protection investment
Regular security updates Protects from new threats
Built-in HIPAA compliance features Simplifies rule-following

7. Plan for the worst

Have a solid data breach plan. Know how to stop it, fix it, and tell patients if needed.

4. Set Clear Communication Rules

To get the most out of AI scribes, you need clear rules. Here's how:

1. Create a protocol

Write down exactly how to use AI scribes. Include:

Step What to Do
1 Start/stop AI sessions
2 Info to give for each patient
3 How to mark sensitive info
4 When to check AI notes

2. Train your team

Teach staff how to work with AI scribes:

  • Basic functions
  • Speaking clearly
  • Fixing AI mistakes

3. Ask patients

Get consent. Try this:

"Can we use AI to summarize our talk for your records?"

4. Get feedback

Set up a way for staff to report issues. Fix problems fast.

5. Check in often

Meet regularly to discuss AI use. Share tips and update rules.

6. Follow ethics

Use AAFP guidelines. Steven Waldren, MD, MS, says:

"There is potential for peril if these technologies aren't accurate or increase bias."

Use these to shape your rules.

5. Check AI Scribe Work Regularly

Keeping AI medical scribes on track means frequent output checks. Here's how:

1. Set up a review system

Create a process to check AI scribe work:

Step Action
1 Pick random notes to review
2 Compare AI notes to actual patient visits
3 Track errors and types
4 Give feedback to improve the AI

2. Watch for common issues

When reviewing AI notes, look out for:

  • Missing key details
  • Wrong medical terms
  • Mixed up patient info

3. Track errors

Log AI mistakes. It helps spot patterns and fix recurring problems.

4. Get doctor input

Ask doctors using the AI scribe to flag issues. Dr. Steven Waldren from AAFP cautions:

"There is potential for peril if these technologies aren't accurate or increase bias."

5. AI vs. human comparison

Do random checks comparing AI and human-written notes. A 2018 study found:

  • AI speech recognition had a 7.4% error rate
  • Human review dropped this to 0.3%

This highlights why checking AI work matters.

6. Keep improving

Use your findings to enhance your AI scribe. Regular training with correct info can reduce errors over time.


6. Encourage Staff Feedback

Getting your medical team's input is crucial for AI scribe success. Here's how:

1. Set up feedback channels

Make it easy for staff to share thoughts:

Channel Purpose
Online form Quick daily input
Weekly meetings In-depth discussions
Anonymous box Sensitive concerns

2. Ask specific questions

Don't just ask "How's it going?" Get details:

  • How fast is the AI completing notes?
  • What errors pop up most?
  • Which parts of the system are tricky?

3. Act on suggestions

Show staff their input counts:

  • Make changes based on feedback
  • Update the team on what's new
  • Explain why some ideas are on hold

4. Keep learning together

Make feedback a team effort:

  • Share staff-discovered tips
  • Tackle tricky cases as a group
  • Celebrate AI improvements

A Nuance consultant says:

"We have a saying here at Nuance that we want to 'turn the chair around.'"

This means using AI to help docs focus on patients, not screens.

5. Track progress

Use staff input to gauge AI performance:

  • Note which issues fade over time
  • Check if staff satisfaction rises
  • See if patient care gets better

Getting patient consent for AI scribes is crucial. Here's how:

1. Explain AI scribe use

Tell patients about AI scribes simply:

"We use an AI tool to take notes during our visit. It listens and writes down key points. This helps me focus more on you and less on typing."

2. Outline benefits and risks

Benefits Risks
More face-to-face time Possible tech issues
Faster, detailed notes Privacy concerns
Better care coordination Potential errors

3. Address privacy

Explain data protection:

"The AI only accesses our conversation during the visit. It doesn't store or use the info after. Your records stay private, shared only with our care team."

4. Get consent

Ask for permission:

"Can I use this AI tool today and in future visits?"

Add to patient's record:

"Patient gave verbal consent for AI scribe use on [date]."

5. Offer alternatives

Be ready with a backup plan, like manual note-taking, for patients who decline.

6. Keep patients informed

Update consent as AI tech changes. Provide info sheets about your AI scribe system.

Only about 1% of patients refuse AI scribes, according to Dr. David Y Ting. But always respect patient choice.

"Prior to making any recording of a clinical encounter, you should obtain patient consent." - Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA)

8. Keep Up with New AI Developments

AI medical scribes are evolving rapidly. To maximize their benefits, stay informed:

1. Read industry news

Follow healthcare tech blogs and journals for updates on AI scribe features and companies.

2. Join online communities

Participate in LinkedIn groups focused on healthcare AI to share updates and discuss new tools.

3. Attend conferences

Visit healthcare tech events to see AI scribe demos and chat with experts.

4. Talk to vendors

Schedule regular calls with AI scribe companies to learn about upcoming features.

5. Try new tools

Test different AI scribes to understand what works best for your needs.

AI Scribe Company Key Feature Reported Benefit
Playback Health Note automation Saves up to 3 hours per day
Dax Copilot Microsoft Cloud integration Cuts documentation time by 50% EHR integration Streamlines workflow
Augmedix Real-time documentation Improves accuracy

6. Watch for big rollouts

Large-scale tests reveal real-world performance. For example, Kaiser Permanente's 10-week trial with 10,000 doctors in 2023 showed reduced paperwork and high adoption rates.

7. Look beyond features

Consider how AI scribes fit your workflow. A digital health provider's product manager noted:

"This sector is evolving rapidly, and I'm glad that I'm not tied to an annual contract that would limit my ability to use new tools."

8. Think about the future

Keep an eye on broader AI trends. Advances in natural language processing and voice recognition could lead to even better AI scribes.

9. Connect AI Scribes to Health Records

Want to slash paperwork and boost efficiency? Link your AI medical scribe to your EHR. Here's how:

1. Check compatibility

First things first: Make sure your AI scribe plays nice with your EHR. For instance, DeepScribe works with Epic.

2. Pick your AI sidekick

Choose an AI scribe that fits your needs like a glove. Here are some options:

AI Scribe Cool Feature EHR Buddy
DAX Express Auto-fills chats Epic
DeepScribe Custom models Epic Specialty templates eClinicalWorks

3. Plan the hookup

Figure out where your AI scribe will chat with your EHR. Think:

  • Grabbing patient info
  • Jotting down notes
  • Updating data

4. Test drive and tweak

Run it through its paces. Make sure everything's smooth. Adjust as needed.

"We rolled up our sleeves with DeepScribe to make the integration really sing for our clinicians", says Frank Fear, CIO of Covenant HealthCare.

5. Get your team on board

Show your crew the ropes. It'll save time and headaches down the road.

6. Keep an eye on things

Watch how it's working. Ask for feedback. Make it better.

10. Track AI Scribe Performance

To get the most out of AI medical scribes, you need to keep an eye on how they're doing. Here's how:

1. Set key metrics

Pick what matters:

  • How accurate are the notes?
  • How much time are docs saving?
  • Are the doctors happy with it?

2. Use built-in tools

Many AI scribe systems have their own tracking features. DeepScribe, for example, has a Trust and Safety Suite to check AI accuracy.

3. Compare before and after

Look at your practice's numbers pre and post-AI scribes. One study showed scribes can make doctors more productive and happier at work.

4. Get feedback

Ask your team. Doctors, nurses, and staff can spot things numbers might miss.

5. Check industry standards

Metric Top Performer Average
No-show rate 3% 19%
Claims denial rate Under 10% Varies

Try to beat these with your AI scribe system.

6. Review often

Check performance data monthly or quarterly. It helps you spot trends and make fixes.

7. Link to patient outcomes

Does better documentation mean better care? Look at:

  • Follow-up visit rates
  • Patient satisfaction
  • How well patients stick to treatment plans

8. Stay updated

AI changes fast. Keep an eye out for new features that could boost performance.


AI medical scribes are shaking up the healthcare world. They're slashing paperwork and giving doctors more face time with patients. Here's the scoop:

  • Doctors now wrap up notes in seconds, not minutes
  • AI doesn't get sleepy or lose focus like humans
  • Less paperwork = happier docs and less burnout
  • Patients get more attention and better care
  • It's a money-saver compared to human scribes

But here's the thing: it's not just about having AI. It's about using it right. That means proper training, double-checking the AI's work, and keeping patient info locked down tight.

The future's looking good for AI in healthcare. As the tech improves, so will the perks. Just remember: AI's here to help docs, not replace them.

"AI in medical scribing isn't some sci-fi dream. It's happening now, and it's changing how we handle clinical documentation."

This quote nails it. AI scribes are already making waves. Stick to the best practices we've covered, and healthcare providers can ride this tech wave like pros.

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