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AI Medical Scribes: Patient Data Access & Control

Explore how AI medical scribes enhance efficiency, ensure patient data security, and improve healthcare workflows while navigating compliance challenges.
Published on
October 21, 2024
David Danks
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AI medical scribes are changing healthcare by:

  • Creating real-time medical notes during patient visits
  • Saving doctors 1-2 hours daily
  • Allowing doctors to see 15-25% more patients

But with AI in healthcare, patient data security is crucial. This article compares top AI scribe tools, focusing on:

  • Data security measures
  • HIPAA compliance
  • EHR integration
  • Real-time note creation

Key points:

  • Most AI scribes offer strong encryption and HIPAA compliance
  • Some process data locally for extra security
  • Pricing ranges from $119/month to $3,200/year per user
  • AI scribes can save doctors up to 3 hours daily
  • Human oversight is still important for accuracy

Quick Comparison:

Feature Lyrebird Health DeepScribe Human Scribes
Data Processing Local Cloud-based N/A
Audio Storage No Yes N/A
Accuracy High 95-98% Variable
Time Savings Significant Up to 3 hrs/day Limited
Cost $149/year Not specified $32-42K/year
Human Touch Limited Some oversight High

Bottom line: AI scribes can boost efficiency and security, but choosing the right one depends on your specific needs and workflow.

Lyrebird Health: AI Scribe with a Security Focus

Lyrebird Health

Lyrebird Health's AI medical scribe puts patient data security front and center. Here's how they're tackling the big issues in healthcare tech:

Locking Down Data

Lyrebird Health isn't messing around when it comes to protecting patient info:

  • They use 256-bit encryption (that's the good stuff)
  • All data stays local - no sending it off to who-knows-where
  • No audio storage means your conversations stay between you and your doc

Keeping It Private

Privacy isn't just a buzzword for Lyrebird:

  • Transcription happens on the spot - no lingering audio files
  • Any temp data gets locked up tight
  • And that temp data? It's gone before you know it

Playing by the Rules

Lyrebird's AI scribe is built to follow the healthcare rulebook:

  • It's HIPAA-compliant (because it has to be)
  • Privacy controls are no joke - they're in line with the strictest laws out there
What They Do Why It Matters
Real-time transcription Your words don't stick around
Local data processing Hackers have a harder time
Quick data deletion Less time for trouble
Serious encryption Keeps nosy people out

Lyrebird Health is showing us how to do AI in healthcare right. They're all about getting the job done while keeping your info locked up tight. By keeping everything local and ditching audio storage, they're tackling the big privacy worries head-on.

2. Solution A

Data Security Features

Orchid's AI-powered clinical notes solution takes data security seriously. It uses top-notch encryption for data in transit and at rest. All recordings are stored in Amazon Web Services cloud, locked up tight with AES-256 encryption.

Patient Privacy Measures

Orchid puts patient privacy first:

  • Patients can say yes or no to AI scribe use during sessions
  • No recording? No problem. Providers can dictate notes instead
  • Encrypted recordings? Gone after note-taking

Access Control Mechanisms

Orchid keeps patient info under lock and key:

Feature What it does
Native EHR Integration Works smoothly with Orchid's own EHR
Chrome Extension Plays nice with other EHRs
Role-Based Access Only the right people see the right data

Compliance with Regulations

Orchid follows HIPAA and SOC 2 Type II rules to the letter. Here's what Joseph Pomianowski, Orchid's founder and CEO, has to say:

"We've got HIPAA compliance locked down. We use top-notch encryption, tight access controls, and we're always training our team to keep patient info safe."

They're always checking their systems to keep privacy and security top-notch.

Orchid's AI scribe is making waves. Ada Peng from Orchid shares:

"Our customers are seeing big changes. Orchid AI can draft clinical notes in seconds, not minutes."

Dr. David Halpern, a psychiatrist using Orchid EHR, agrees:

"I spend way less time on notes now."

These folks are seeing real results, all while keeping data locked up tight.

3. Solution B

Chase Clinical Documentation's AI scribe service takes data security seriously. Here's how they protect patient information:

Data Security and Patient Privacy

They use top-notch encryption for all data. This keeps patient info safe from prying eyes.

The AI scribe only sees what it needs to. It's like giving someone a key that only opens one door, not the whole building. This fits with HIPAA rules.

Patients can ask to delete their data or move it elsewhere. That's good for GDPR rules.

Access Control

Chase Clinical Documentation is strict about who sees what:

Feature What it does
Strong Authentication Only the right people get in
Access Logs Tracks who looked at what, when
Role-Based Access You only see what you need for your job

Playing by the Rules

They follow HIPAA and other big regulations. They check themselves often to make sure they're doing it right.

The Chase Clinical Documentation team says:

"We've got privacy and security covered. Doctors can use our AI scribes and know they're doing right by their patients."

This means doctors can use AI help without losing sleep over patient privacy.


Strengths and Weaknesses

Let's compare Lyrebird Health, DeepScribe, and human scribes for patient data access and control:

Solution Strengths Weaknesses
Lyrebird Health - Real-time transcription
- No audio storage
- Local processing
- 256-bit encryption
- Auto-deletes temp data
- Tech learning curve
- Tech dependence
DeepScribe - 95-98% accuracy
- Saves 3 hrs/day
- Instant EHR integration
- Lacks personal touch
- Misses non-verbal cues
Human Scribes - Personal connection
- Adaptable
- Real-time corrections
- Costly ($32-42K/year)
- Human error risk
- Limited availability

AI scribes offer security and efficiency, but may miss human nuances. Human scribes excel in context but cost more and have availability issues.

Tyler Haberle from Intermountain Healthcare notes:

"AI is not going to go to medical school or change jobs or break their ankle skiing and need a leave of absence."

This highlights AI's reliability, but also its limitations in human interaction.

When choosing between AI and human scribes, consider your specific needs and patient care goals.


AI medical scribes are shaking up how doctors handle patient info and notes. Here's what you need to know about the top players:

Real-time Notes

Nabla, Ambience, and Abridge pump out notes on the spot. DeepScribe takes a few hours. Lyrebird Health? Instant notes and dictation.

Privacy and Security

Solution What They Do
Lyrebird Health No audio storage, local processing, tough encryption
Nabla No data storage, brief browser-only storage
Others HIPAA compliant, but practices vary

Accuracy and Time Savings

DeepScribe boasts 95-98% accuracy and saves up to 3 hours daily. Playback Health claims similar time savings and a 20% productivity boost. Dax Copilot can cut documentation time in half.


Solution Price (per seat)
Nuance DAX Copilot $600/month
Ambience $2,800-$3,200/year
Abridge $2,500/year
Nabla $119/month
Lyrebird Health $149/year (Pro plan)

Integration and Customization

Most of these tools play nice with existing systems and let you tweak note templates.

Human Touch

Some, like DeepScribe, have humans double-check the AI's work. Others let doctors finalize notes right away.

Picking the right AI scribe? It's all about balancing accuracy, security, cost, and how well it fits your workflow. Get it right, and you'll save time, improve patient care, and have better clinical notes.


Are AI scribes HIPAA compliant?

AI medical scribes can be HIPAA compliant, but it's not automatic. Healthcare providers need to make sure their AI scribe solution meets HIPAA standards.

For HIPAA compliance, AI scribes should:

  • Use strong encryption
  • Have strict access controls
  • Track all patient data activities
  • Store patient records securely

Take Lyrebird Health, for example. They process data locally and use 256-bit encryption to protect patient info.

HIPAA Compliance Human Scribes AI Scribes
Training Need HIPAA training Vendor confirms compliance
Tech Safeguards Follow access protocols Use encryption and access controls
Monitoring May not be continuous Can be checked continuously

Using an AI scribe doesn't guarantee HIPAA compliance. Healthcare providers should:

1. Check the vendor's HIPAA compliance docs

2. Get patient consent

3. Review AI-generated notes

4. Update AI scribe use policies

"HIPAA violations can cost you. Penalties range from $137 to $68,928 per violation, with a yearly cap of $2,067,813."

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