Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
Do you offer a discount for part-time?
Yes, a 50% discount for those working <25 hours per week will be applied in-app at checkout if applicable for you.
Do you offer practice discounts?
Yes, practices with multiple clinicians are eligible for discounts to annual Lyrebird subscriptions. Discounts scale depending on practice size. Please reach out to let us know more about your organization and your needs. To contact us, please do so via the form on our Lyrebird Health Contact Form.
What do I need to get set up?
If your computer has an inbuilt microphone or an external microphone you don't need anything extra to get set up. However, if you are looking for a microphone - many clinicians use the Audio-Technica ATR4697USB Microphone for Lyrebird.
Do I need to use a specific browser for Lyrebird to work?
Lyrebird works on all web browsers. However, we strongly recommend Google Chrome as the preferred choice of browser because it produces the highest accuracy outputs.
Do I need to install any software?
As an entirely web-based platform, you are not required to download or install any additional software.
Does Lyrebird work on a terminal server or remote desktop?
Lyrebird works on almost all terminal devices, you will just need to ensure you have granted permission for audio devices to access the terminal server which can be done in your terminal settings. Your IT service provider will be able to set this up for you.
How do I customize the formatting of my dictations into a pre-set structure or format?
You will want to create a new "Document" in the documents section in Lyrebird. Here you can enter information about the type of document, who it's to, etc.
After this you will be able to upload up to 5 fully written examples of this type of letter you're looking to dictate into with your ideal/perfect formatting.
Lyrebird will scan through these and learn your exact structure, after this is done this specific document will appear as a fourth option when you dictate. Your dictation will then be automatically formatted into this structure every time, regardless of the order in which you speak it.
Does Lyrebird offer discount for registrars?
Yes, we offer an 80% discount on Lyrebird Pro to all registrars currently working and for the duration of their employment. If you are a registrar, please email info@lyrebirdhealthteam.com and include the dates of your registrar work.
Do you have any patient privacy information I can give to my patients?
Please visit this article to learn more about how we making obtaining patient consent simple, as well as some resources to share with patient.
How do I customize my notes?
Your notes in Lyrebird are completely customizable meaning you can change the headings, structure and content of your notes to fit exactly how you like them written! Here is a detailed tutorial on customizing your notes.
How do I customize the way my letters and documents are written in Lyrebird?
As with your notes, all documents and letters Lyrebird writes for you are completely customizable. You can upload 3-4 example letters for example and Lyrebird will learn from your ideal structure and follow this for all future letters.
Here is a detailed tutorial on customizing your documents. Here is a tutorial on how to upload new document types.
Does Lyrebird work for Telehealth consults?
Lyrebird is compatible with most major Telehealth platforms.
For phone consults you just need to have your phone on speaker and relatively close to your microphone.

For video consults we recommend having your microphone external to the computer as this will better detect the patients voice. USB Conferencing microphones or webcams are great for this.

Occasionally video conferencing applications can take priority access over Lyrebird for the microphone as opposed to “sharing” it. This can be easily resolved in your settings however it is just something to be mindful of before your first Telehealth consult.
What are Macros?
With our "Macros" feature you can insert prewritten sections of text or "pre-fills" at any point.
This is perfect if you have a set wording you always use for consent or side effects for example.
For a guide on how to setup your Macros, click here.